DRAGON In almost every ancient belief in the world, Dragons are the lords of waters and underground, therefore, have double meanings. Dragon is about rebirth and power! Dragon represents the reanimation of' life and is the symbol of power, strength, and wisdom. |
BIRD Bird is the symbol of happiness, joy and love.It stands for power and strength. Birds refer to divine messengers between the sky and the earth! |
RAM’S HORN Ram’s horn represents productivity, heroism, power and masculinity.Protects against evil powers! |
WHEAT SPIKE A talisman for luck and abundance!Represents blooming of the soil and waking up the nature! |
8 POINTED STAR Star symbolizes the balancing energies of Feminine and Masculine.A talisman for love and luck! |
SCORPION For thousands of years Scorpion has decorated Anatolian pillars and rugs.Scorpion is believed to have protective powers. |
PITRAK Pitrak is the embodiment of sun-power on earth and used for abundance. |